sustainable businesses

Guide for Small Business Owners

A Journey Towards Sustainability and Spiritual Intentions: A Guide for Small Business Owners 

Welcome to this post, where we will explore how to embark on a sustainability journey as a small business owner. As Muslims, our faith influences every aspect of our lives, and connecting our actions with intentions is a fundamental part of living right. We’ll make that connection throughout this journey to encourage and inspire each other to pursue sustainability beyond the immediate results. 

1) Building the Foundation of Sustainable Practices: 

Let’s lay the foundation of our sustainability journey by agreeing on the psychological framework to follow, which will help us set our intentions straight. By understanding that seeking a good (Tayyba) life is an act of worship to Allah, one can grasp the blessings that will be bestowed upon them by putting in that effort. This understanding highlights the blessings we would miss if we don’t make these efforts.

“Garbage In, Garbage Out.”

The basic first rule is: “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” This profound saying can be adopted as a life principle. Our bodies are systems; whatever we input into them determines the output, visible in our daily energy, mood, health, and skin. This principle extends to other systems in life, whether it’s the business we run or the nourishment we provide to a baby. Our inputs shape our outputs, underscoring the importance of thoughtful and aware decision-making.

“People & Items Should revolve around Ideas”

Applying this principle to your restaurant, cafe, or any business means recognizing that the inputs have a significant impact on the outputs. For cafes or restaurants, inputs include materials, energy, labor, financial resources, and intentions/goals. The outputs, particularly concerning the environment, encompass products, impacts on Allah’s creation, effects on people, consequences for ourselves, and financial outcomes.

Another principle to consider is that success comes when our actions and items revolve around ideas. Rather than chasing items or blindly following people/leaders, we should follow ideas, messages, and life principles. In this context, the idea of living a good (Tayyba) life is our goal. Therefore, we ensure that our actions and the items we purchase and acquire align with this idea.

2) Energy Efficiency and Responsible Resource Management (Mindful Consumption):

Emissions from energy production account for approximately 40% of global emissions. Electricity generation alone results in about 42% of total CO2eq emissions, which is roughly 13 billion metric tons per year. This amount of emissions is equivalent to the annual emissions of around 2.8 billion cars. Waste is also a significant contributor to negative environmental impacts, including harm to animals due to plastic waste, diseases caused by electronic waste, and high emissions from landfills. Here are steps you can take to start reducing emissions from energy and waste:

(إِنَّ الْمُبَذِّرِينَ كَانُوا إِخْوَانَ الشَّيَاطِينِ ۖ وَكَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ لِرَبِّهِ كَفُورًا)
الإسراء: 27]
(Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of the devils, and ever has Satan been to his Lord ) [Isra:27]


  • Reduce electricity usage by turning off equipment and lights when not in use. Consider installing automatic light and heat/AC controllers.

    One study conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated that simple energy-saving practices, such as turning off lights and equipment, could lead to energy savings of 5-20% in a commercial building. This reduction in energy usage can directly translate to lower emissions and a positive environmental impact. (Source: EPA – Energy Conservation Measures).

  • Reduce food waste by conducting a food waste audit to identify areas for improvement in food management. By conducting a food waste audit and implementing strategies to reduce waste, your business could potentially prevent the emission of hundreds of kilograms of CO2eq that would have been produced during the decomposition of wasted food. The specific reduction will depend on your current waste levels and improvements made. (Source: EPA


  • Optimize energy usage by using energy-efficient appliances such as EnergyStar-rated products, LED lighting, and efficient water faucets.

    The International Energy Agency calculates that energy efficiency alone can contribute to reducing over 40% of the emissions necessary to align with the Paris Climate Accords. Using EnergyStar-certified products, like energy-efficient appliances, can help you reduce your energy consumption by 20-40%, which translates to a potential CO2eq emissions reduction of approximately 150-300 kilograms per year for each appliance. (Source: EnergyStar)

3) Sustainable Sourcing: 

Your sourcing decisions have a significant impact on land, water, people’s health, and their overall well-being. For instance, sourcing genetically modified (GMO) food, which often requires excessive use of chemical pesticides, contributes to the pollution of land and water. The harmful effects of these chemicals are transferred to the food we consume, leading to various health issues. Studies have shown that certain factors, like elevated estrogen levels in male bodies, can result from consuming such food. This highlights the importance of thoughtfully selecting the items you source.

قال رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ: ( لا ضرر ولا ضرار )
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said:
(There is neither harm nor reciprocating of harm)

To begin making a positive change, consider these simple steps:

  • Embrace sustainable sourcing by opting for materials that promote health, such as organic, local, and non-GMO products.
  • Educate yourself about different eco-labels to make informed choices and avoid falling into the trap of greenwashing. Check this article.
  • Support local and small businesses and don’t hesitate to inquire about suppliers’ practices before making commitments.

4) Justice for Labourers and Suppliers

Cultivate fair and equitable relationships with labourers within your supply chain and across your organization. If you engage with a supplier that neglects to provide proper wages or ensure employee safety, you inadvertently become a part of this injustice. Suppliers worldwide will adhere to regulations when pressure exists, but without demands or requirements, change remains unlikely. You can initiate change by acknowledging the negative impact of social injustices, ensuring the well-being of your own employees, and spreading awareness. Additionally, engage with suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to social justice and are transparent in sharing their certifications and policies. While sustainable and ethical procurement poses challenges, building strong supplier relationships can lead to growth on both ends.

قال رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ: ( أعطوا الأجير أجره قبل أن يجف عرقه )
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said:
“Give the laborer his wages before his sweat dries.”

By following these practical steps and aligning them with our spiritual intentions, we can establish a sustainable business that reflects our faith and values. Together, as conscious business owners and followers of Islam, we can strive to lead a Tayyba Life, nurturing blessings and making a positive impact on Allah’s creation and society as a whole. Let’s embark on this journey hand in hand, creating a more sustainable and spiritually fulfilling world.

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